Monday, February 21, 2005

Fear & Loathing in Death

Well, in one brief moment Hunter S. Thompson was able to accomplish what 67 years of drug abuse couldn't- death. I'm very sorry to see him go and think he's a jackass for going. His style, his "gonzo journalism" inspired me so much that I was taken off the sports beat of my college paper. Apparently, according to my editor, readers don't care what I'm doing in the stands, they want to know about the game. Go figure. That is what Thompson did, he didn't cover an event, he covered the impact the event was having on those, mainly himself, in the area. My list of how to pick up a girl in the stands of a basketball game, which should have been titled 'how not to', was a direct result of me being more interested in the teachings of Hunter S. Thompson (and girls of course) than JC basketball.
He was a crazy talent and to be honest I can't believe he lasted as long as he did. Rest in peace Hunter- you jackass.

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